Settlers of Catan is a total nerdy board game designed by a German named Klaus Teuber. It was originally called Die Siedler von Catan. Which, although I don't speak German, sounds way cooler.
Tonight I played this game for the first time with two hard core Cataneers, and Michael, who is a newbie like me.
The game lasted about an hour, and involves strategy but more so the luck of the dice. However since no one is eliminated "players who are behind can strive towards goals that are within their reach", according to Wikipedia, which I found particularly funny, as I came in last place.
Michael is the current Führer of Catan and so holds the title lest we play again.
Since we're in Limbo at this current point in time we've rediscovered how entertaining games can be. Games can also be dangerous. Spit is a card game that involves slapping piles of cards on the table. Spit can also be physical, its easy to mistaken the pile of cards with the face of the person who is winning...
This is a picture of Settlers of Catan, Klaus Teuber.